DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen Becomes a Brand Partner with CGI Franchise


Temple, TX – DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen, a professional bath and kitchen remodeling company, has become a Brand Partner with CGI Franchise.

Art Coley, CEO of CGI Franchise states, “DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen has a very innovative approach to their service and that’s exactly what makes them stand out from the rest. We’re excited to have them on board. We can’t wait to get the ball rolling and see where this year takes them.”

The Recruitment Operating System®, powered by CGI Franchise, is the result of years evaluating the franchise development process. CGI Franchise offers a  solution and roadmap to rediscovering the passion for your brand. As a CGI Franchise Brand Partner, DreamMaker will be trained and coached to use ROS® and all its benefits. 

Doug Dwyer, President, and Chief Stewarding Officer stated, “DreamMaker is committed to growing our brand presence. We believe CGI Franchise is the right partner to help us grow. In a short period of time, Art and his team have already provided DreamMaker with useful information that we have been able to integrate into our franchise recruiting efforts.”

CGI Franchise specializes in growing and strengthening franchises by coming alongside and providing a sustainable, proven franchise development system. Offering a combined 50 years of franchise recruitment experience, CGI Franchise sets the solution and the road map to rediscovering the passion for your brand. 

DreamMaker Bath and Kitchen is provides a one-stop-shop for kitchen, and bath, and full home remodeling needs. Operating since 1999, DreamMaker has 34 US units. For information on the DreamMaker franchise, please see dreammakerfranchise.com.