Franchise companies using ROS® in 2020 did more than 500% better with recruitment than the franchise industry


Temple, TX – Over the past year, there has been a lot of change happening around the world and when you have a multitude of change, you have to adapt. CGI Franchise and Brand Partners did just that.

More than 50 million people entered unemployment and wanted a change. People around the US were flocking towards small business ownership to obtain financial security.

Art Coley, CEO of CGI Franchise states, “2020 was a year of pivoting, and instead of panicking, we went back to the basics, slowed down our process, and made quick changes in our day-to-day operations to fit the work environment we were forced into. We utilized virtual meeting rooms such as Zoom to host virtual discovery days, daily huddles with our Brand Partners, and even revamped our training to make it as effective and efficient as possible.”

CGI Franchise centered its curriculum on things like lead generation, Item 19, and metrics. They re-worked their systems and adapted to the new work culture with ease. They knew the small changes they were making would have an impact on the day-to-day operations, Step 1 calls, and eventually signings of their Brand Partners.

Josh Wall, Chief Franchise Officer of Urban Air stated, “ROS® has given us opportunities to streamline and organize our franchise recruitment process that would have taken us much longer and cost us much more in inefficiency on our own.  Our team relies on Art, the CGI Franchise team, and their system to help us reach our annual recruitment goals. Last year was a tough one for our franchisees and recruitment team but having ROS® to support us helped us sharpen our saws and continue to improve even in the face of adversity. We’re thankful to work with Art and the CGI Franchise team.”

Franchise companies that used CGI Franchise’s Recruitment Operating System®, also known as ROS®, had a 78 to 1 lead to signing ratio versus the rest of the industry which had a 400 to 1 lead to signing ratio. Companies using ROS® did 512% better than the rest of the industry.

Art Coley leads CGI Franchise with 20+ years in the franchise industry. CGI Franchise specializes in growing and strengthening franchises by coming alongside and providing a sustainable, proven franchise development system. Offering a combined 50 years of franchise recruitment experience, CGI Franchise and ROS® provide the technology, training, and coaching you need to strengthen your franchise development. For more information, please visit