Top Three Behaviors of Every Successful ROS® Manager

Top Three Behaviors of Every Successful ROS® Manager

Last month we witnessed history once again during the World Series.  Like baseball, franchise recruitment is a process.  It takes a long time to go from the initial call or first game to signing an agreement or the World Series.  One of the essential roles in franchise recruitment is your ROS® Manager; think of them like the coaches.  What are the roles of a coach?  Coaches teach, train, and push you to be the best you can be.  Having the title of ROS® Manager comes with many responsibilities, but most importantly, they are the glue that holds the team together. They are the person that will be your number one supporter throughout the candidate’s journey. There are three behaviors that every successful ROS® Manager does to help their team hit their singing goals for the year.

They are Relentless About Pipeline Calls

To be a successful ROS® Manager, you must do two things for your pipeline calls: be relentless and have the right mentality. The best ROS® Managers will always take ownership over the pipeline calls.  Some of the top ROS® Managers think everyone’s pipeline is my pipeline. To drive the sales, they want for the week, month, and year, they must ensure that these candidates move through the pipeline at the most efficient rate possible.  In addition, some behaviors that the best of the best keep in mind is that these calls should be no more than 30 minutes. If you’re going beyond that, you might be losing sight of what the call should be. These calls should be helpful to the recruiter, and they should come away from the call with immediate action items and nuggets they can implement with candidates. Ownership of these calls is critical, and the ROS® Manager must want to help recruiters and be comfortable enough to know when and what needs to change. The moment ROS® Managers stop doing these calls is when the train starts to come off the tracks.

They Hold Separate Accountability Calls

Just like a baseball team where coaches are checking in with players, seeing how the players are feeling, doing, mentally and physically, the ROS® Manager is doing the same thing. The top ROS® Managers hold separate accountability calls per recruiter (development director), whether weekly or monthly, to check in with the recruiters and see how they’re doing. These calls are intended to help not only the recruiter but also the ROS® Manager to see where they are. The accountability calls should help the ROS® Manager get laser-focused on what they need to be doing and where the gaps they could fill might be.

They Make Sure to Get on the Field

Lastly, the best ROS® Managers get on the field with their recruiters. Whatever the recruiters are doing, the ROS® Managers should not only be doing as well but following along with their recruiters to make sure they know what’s going on. They should engage with candidates, listen to their recruiter’s recording, provide feedback, jump on calls with the candidate, and more. We recently wrapped up the ROS® Management. Simplified. Course with Mike Weinberg, where he referred to this as “Drive Time.” To ensure your team is doing what they need to reach their goals and the company’s goals for the year, the ROS® Manager needs to be the driving force to help make these changes happen.

Although every ROS® Manager should be exhibiting these three behaviors, a lot of it is about the spirit and energy that they bring to the table. Like with a baseball team, skill, coaching, and performance are all pieces to the team’s success. However, a lot of it is the player’s attitude about the game; making sure your culture is right is a crucial piece of the puzzle.  Recruitment is no different from a baseball team. A good coach encourages when they do things right, tells them when they make errors, and helps them correct their mistakes. As they round 3rd base and head home, the intensity picks up just like Phase 3 of recruitment. The recruiter is still the base runner, but the ROS® Manager tells them to go home!

If you’d like to know more about how the Recruitment Operating System® can help you hit home runs with your recruitment, reach out!