Franchise Development

Franchise development isn’t for the faint of heart. But we’re with you to ensure you have the resources, tools and systems to build your brand’s recruitment to new levels.

Magnet attracting leads.

If you think you’re off track on lead generation, read these two lead gen myths. If they hit home or sound familiar, take a deeper look.

Navigate 2023 with franchise insights: conversions, HR strength, tech efficiency, outbound leads. Let’s thrive!

Top Three Behaviors of Every Successful ROS® Manager

Last month we witnessed history once again during the World Series.  Like baseball, franchise recruitment is a process.  It takes a long time to go from the initial call or first game to signing an agreement or the World Series.  One of the essential roles in franchise recruitment is your ROS® Manager; think of them like […]

There are two myths in franchise recruiting that need to be discredited. Myth #1: “None of these leads has money! They’re not financially qualified.” Myth #2: “It’s not the right time to open a business.” As a franchise executive or recruitment leader, if you are hearing versions of these myths from your recruitment team, you have a […]

6 Steps To Hitting Your Franchise Sales

Depending on the study or survey, up to 90% of franchise companies do not hit their annual recruitment signing targets year in and year out. One root cause is that too many franchise executives have no problem setting lofty goals or targets, but when it comes to reliable forecasting to identify what will prevent success, they fail miserably.

Targeting-forecasting-CGI Franchise

Depending on the study or survey, up to 90% of franchise companies do not hit their annual recruitment signing targets year in and year out. One root cause is that too many franchise executives have no problem setting lofty goals or targets, but when it comes to reliable forecasting to identify what will prevent success, they fail miserably.

Managing Franchise Recruitment Like It's Covid-19

Gather two groups of recruitment numbers: one set for YTD, and the other since Friday, March 13th, the date recruitment numbers and metrics started to shift rapidly.Any changes in resource allocation, strategy, staff, marketing, messaging, etc. should be made for only one outcome: improving these 5 critical metrics. If you don’t start here, you’ll be recruiting in the blind, and that means wasted time, money, and energy.