Franchise Development

Franchise development isn’t for the faint of heart. But we’re with you to ensure you have the resources, tools and systems to build your brand’s recruitment to new levels.

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Gather two groups of recruitment numbers: one set for YTD, and the other since Friday, March 13th, the date recruitment numbers and metrics started to shift rapidly.Any changes in resource allocation, strategy, staff, marketing, messaging, etc. should be made for only one outcome: improving these 5 critical metrics. If you don’t start here, you’ll be recruiting in the blind, and that means wasted time, money, and energy.

In the U.S. it started the week of March 9th. By Friday, the 13th, the landscape had completely changed for all of us. Now, all these many weeks later, there is still a lot of uncertainty. However, we now know more about the impact over the past 30 days, which should provide more clarity on decisions moving forward into the next 30. Therefore, when it comes to your franchise recruitment, we are preaching: Make time to reevaluate and assess franchise recruitment every 30 days.


If you’re like most CEOs and CDOs tasked with operating and growing a franchise brand, the pressure to wisely allocate precious resources for franchisee recruitment is enormous.

The challenge is to juggle limited budgets and high expectations—knowing your choices will directly affect the franchise’s bottom line.

If you could peer into a crystal ball to foresee what decisions will most positively affect recruitment results, wouldn’t you take a look?

CGI Franchise CEO Art Coley and Urban Air Chief Franchise Officer Josh Wall are experts in the field of franchise recruitment, having guided the development and growth of successful franchise businesses for decades. They recently joined forces to share their expertise on the often-overlooked opportunity to deliver franchise growth by budgeting for recruitment success.

We’re coming upon the end of the year. We know that trying to fit everything in before holiday vacation can seem like a whirlwind. When you’re in that kind of time crunch, it’s easy for budgeting to fall lower on the priority list. It’s easy to overlook how vital a recruitment budget is because budget maintenance isn’t appealing. So much creativity and innovation go into franchise development; budget planning can easily be pushed aside amid everything else.

If your recruitment team is achieving a 14 percent or better ratio on kept initial (“Step 1”) calls to signings, you have an advanced process and team. Congratulations! If your team has a lower grade, then you have a decision to make: Is it acceptable, or are you doing something about it?


Whether we know it or not, our lives are often governed by process. Many of the processes we follow feel innate because we acquire them over time, much like we acquire our native language. And just like language, the processes we follow are key to many of our successes, big and small.