Urban Air, the premier indoor family entertainment company, has become a Brand Partner of CGI Franchise. Art Coley, CEO of CGI Franchise states, “Urban Air is a great franchise. They have been ranked the #1 Adventure Park Franchise in the world by Entrepreneur Magazine. They have seen amazing growth over the past few years and […]


CGI Franchise is proud to announce the launch of its redesigned website at CGIFranchise.com. CGIF partnered with Morether Creative Agency in the refreshing endeavor of updating their website and marketing efforts. This new site demonstrates how CGIF leverages 50+ years of combined franchise development experience to build the Recruitment Operating System®.

milliCare, an environmentally sustainable commercial floor and textile care franchise, has become a Brand Partner of CGI Franchise. Art Coley, CEO of CGI Franchise said, “We’re thrilled to work with milliCare. They have a long history of success and a great business model. All they need is a solid recruitment system in place, and that’s where we can help. We know that by working closely with milliCare’s recruitment team, they will bring in better candidates, reduce the time to franchise agreements, and repeat the process again and again.”


You’ll improve the number of individual candidates signing franchise agreements over the next 6 months by up to 30 percent doing a better job with funding, real estate, and territory analysis in the middle of your brand’s discovery process.

To increase agreement signings and improve the quality of new franchisees, make sure you’re managing a recruitment system and process with the essential components. I’d like to suggest that you think about building a winning recruitment program using the Four Pillars approach. Success requires proper implementation and execution in all four areas below. To determine where you may need to focus, consider the following elements of each of the Four Pillars.

In a previous blog, we talked about the importance, based on what the numbers have shown to work, of having repeatable processes. Ideally, this gives you a successful system that is sustainable regardless of specific personnel or other external factors. While this system is built around what we know works, it provides additional benefit for the future. It also creates a controlled environment for new data to to be even more effective at diagnosing the root cause behind the problem areas in your brand.

We consistently see franchise brands failing to meet set recruitment goals for a number of reasons. They may have certain pieces of their recruitment system locked in and functioning well, while other, equally important aspects aren’t being given enough attention.